Adult Sunday School
Spring | January 12 – May 25
Bible Track-Pentateuch
Elders Gary Suttle and Steve Hutching
Room: M-1
In Moses’ first 5 books, known as the Pentateuch, we see God create a covenant community, call them to worship, set them apart for promised blessings, and give commands for all of life. Join us in M-1 as Elders Gary Suttle and Steve Hutching lead us through this class. Find recordings for this semester here:
Theology Track – God and Man: Known and Loved
Pastor Thad Davis
Room: M-5
Understanding and living like God matters can be a distant gap in believers lives. This course will walk thru what we know about God, thru Scripture and reason, and who we are, made in His image as ‘embodied souls.’ We will weekly apply these to significant and modern issues like family, addictions, technology, living eternally, missions, and politics. Join Pastor Thad Davis in M-5. Find recordings of this class here: