1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles

Taught by Greg Baney

What can history, even biblical history, possibly reveal to us about God? What was God up to in the reign of King David and his son Solomon? Why did God destroy ancient Jerusalem and send them into exile for seventy years? What relevance can the age of Old Testament kings possibly have in the life of a twenty-first century believer? Why did God speak prophetically to his people during this period of time? These questions and more will be considered in this class. We will explore together God’s redemptive historical work revealed in the pages of scripture and see how the mission of the people of God both then and now has always been the same.

Class Reading Schedule

LESSON 1: Samuel: God’s Man of Transition – Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 2: Catastrophe & Change – Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 3: Saul: An Emissary of Disobedience – Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 4: David: The Shepherd of Israel – Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 5: An Emissary in Exile – Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 6: The Sure Mercies of David – Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 7: The Promise of a King – Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 8: Heavenly Treasure in Jars of Clay – Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 9: Solomon & the Wisdom of God – click here for the notes

LESSON 10: The Kingdom Divided – Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 11: The Kings of Israel- Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 12: The Ministry of Elijah and Elisha- Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 13: The Fall & Exile of the Northern Kingdom- Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 14: The Kings of Judah – Click Here for the Notes

LESSON 15: The Fall & Exile of the Southern Kingdoms – Click Here for the Notes