Cindi Finn led us from the Garden of Eden to the garden in the New Heavens and Earth. In the meantime, she encouraged us as we wait in the Garden of Gethsemane, During this time, God is tilling the hard soil of our hearts so he can press seed in. His Holy Spirit waters this seed to produce his fruit – thriving and in abundance. We also must abide in the vine of Christ as he works in and through us to accomplish his purpose. While this garden may be full of pain, sorrow and wrestling, God is with us and he encourages us to surrender to him, the Master Gardener. What a beautiful invitation to greater obedience as God sanctifies our lives for his glory and our good!

Afterward, Kristen Bode helped us understand how plants thrive (sun and water!) and how to make a beautiful hanging basked we could keep or give away. It was a beautiful day to be outside enjoying fellowship and God’s creation together.

If you missed it, we hope you can join us for an upcoming event!